Battlecross – War Of Will

Battlecross-WarOfWillLet’s give it up for Battlecross. The Michigan band has managed to take a weary template, one that has been overused in recent years, and done something quite interesting with it. Their catchy melody infused hail of battlefield themed metal can sound pastiche from time and time, even cheesy, but Battlecross have cut out a lot of the nonsense with this new album War Of Will (Metal Blade) and simply made a good metal record.Continue reading

Crunching The Numbers – An Interview With Battlecross

Battlecross 1The American melodic thrash/death metal band Battlecross has been building up quite a name for itself. They got signed by Metalblade that re-released their debut album. Right now, the group is touring with the Rockstar Energry Drink Mayhem Festival in the USA that also features bands as Machine Head, Rob Zombie and Children Of Bodom. We talked to guitarist Tony Asta about their albums and their crowd funding project to finance the Mayhem tour.Continue reading