Watch All of Tool’s Music Videos, Uploaded to the Band’s YouTube Channel

The hits just keep in coming for Tool! In addition to their stunning new album Fear Inoculum, The band has shared all of its music videos on their YouTube Channel. In addition to the new Tool album being the first released in the streaming age, this is the first time the band has allowed their videos released beyond past music channels, their concerts and the sadly out of print Salival Video/DVD Boxed Set. Tool originally reached acclaim early in their career with their dark, incredibly crafted videos that matched their early singles. They were also a favorite of MTV‘s animated icons Beavis and Butthead. Adam Jones confirmed some time ago that they created a brand new video for the song ‘Opiate’, but it has yet to see the light of day. Maybe soon? We hope so. Continue reading

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Palace In Thunderland – “Vicarious”

Western Massachusetts-based psychedelic band Palace In Thunderland returns with a monster new album, their first in four years! The King Of The Empty Aeon is dropping on February 22nd in Compact Disc, Cassette, and Digital Download/Streaming via Fuzzdoom Records. The vinyl pressing will be available through Cursed Tongue Records in April 2019. Ghost Cult is beyond stoked to share with you the brain-smashing new video for their debut single ‘Vicarious’! The video created by bassist/keys/vocalist Adam Abrams and has a definite sensory overload flavor, matching perfectly with the grooves and rhythmic chaos of the track. With catchy licks and hooks reminiscent of classic prog bands, but also stoner influenced bands like Earthless, early-Kylesa, ASG, and Totimoshi, the track is as equally killer as this video!Continue reading