INTERVIEW: Inge Johansson of Gatuplan (ex Against Me ) on Their Debut Album, Political Punk Rock, and More


Ghost Cult Keefy caught up with Punk Rock legend Inge Johansson (ex Against Me!, The (International) Noise Conspiracy, Cryssis, CSS) to discuss their new band Gatuplan! The band just released their debut album “Välkommen till underjorden” (Welcome To The Underground) via Sound Pollution Records and is Johansson’s first foray into leading their own band. Full of Pop Punk anthems and rebellious lyrics, the album also features saxophones played by jazz legend Jonas Kullhammar, and Dennis Lyxzen of Refused rocks a fantastic guest vocal appearance on ”Kidsen från provinsen.” We chatted about launching a solo band, a love for all things Ramones, and some cherished memories with Against Me! Continue reading

ALBUM REVIEW: Fake Names – Expendables


Think of high-profile collaborations and what springs to mind? Self-indulgent widdling like the simply dreadful Dylan & The Dead live album, Sting, Bryan Adams, and Rod Stewart‘s unwanted ‘All For Love’ for the movie The Three Musketeers, Phil Collins and Phillip Bailey, Korn, and Skrillex? I’m sure there are many other offenders out there but you get the picture, ideas that may have sounded promising on paper but ultimately should have remained there.

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