Eindhoven Metal Meeting 2016 – Part II

Part II Saturday

Starting even earlier today, we managed to be just in time to catch Der Weg Einer Freiheit. The German atmospheric black metal trio might be one of the biggest surprises of the entire festival. From their small, fragile dreamscapes to the frenzied, loud black metal riffing, their show journeyed the entire spectrum and made it beautiful. The compositions were so convincing that the lacking bass player was hardly noticeable. A very, very good show to start off the day.Continue reading

Eindhoven Metal Meeting 2016 – Part I

Mayhem, by Susanne A. Maathuis Photography

As the world was setting up for Christmas, De Effenaar Eindhoven hosted the European metal scene’s unofficial office Christmas party known as Eindhoven Metal Meeting. With some heavy hitters on the bill, 2016’s edition of EMM was shaping up to be one for the ages. Continue reading