YouTube Finds Goatwhore’s “Apocalyptic Havoc” Video Objectionable After 10 Years

After ten years on the platform, Goatwhore’s video for their track ‘Apocalyptic Havoc’ has been demonetized on YouTube’s platform over not being suitable for all advertisers. This is laughable as the video has been on the channel for over a decade, as the track was the first single from Goatwhore’s universally acclaimed 2009 album, Carving Out The Eyes of God (Metal Blade). As of today, the clip has 1,138,058 views with 11k likes against 420 dislikes. Who was the ad being served to, if not relevant viewers (metalheads, Goatwhore fans, Satan worshippers) that would find this killer clip offensive? As long as a band such as Goatwhore, globally respected and undeniably great can draw this kind of red flag, heavy music will continue to be outsider music for outsider fans. Turn it up to eleven as you watch the clip! Continue reading