Galley Beggar – Silence and Tears


Galley Beggar is an English Folk Rock band who combines traditional songs with a modern Psychedelic sound. This sextet proves that the genre of Folk is still very much alive and kicking, and thrives on musical innovations.

As the title suggests, Silence and Tears (Rise Above) is quite a melancholic album. While this is generally not an issue, I did find the lyrics in ‘Adam and Eve’ to be a bit off-putting… I guess a bitter and judgemental Adam complaining to God how everything was Eve’s fault isn’t really my style. Musically, however, this is an excellent song which shows off the beautiful combinations of acoustic guitar, bass and violin, as well as the dominant female vocals. Another song where the vocals are really powerful is ‘Empty Sky’. The contrast with mellow violins and the excellent bass lines makes the song very dynamic.

The vocals on ‘Pay my Body Home’ are also really good: they are not so much main and backing vocals as dual leads, with another line on guitar. The guitars sound very distant, and the overall vibe of the song is very mellow. However, the best vocal combinations on this album are in ‘Deliver Him’, where the arrangements are almost overwhelmingly beautiful.

The guitars on ‘Sanctuary Song’ are dance effectively, and it is certainly my favourite song of the album. While it still has a touch of that melancholy that infuses this album, the lines of the guitars also have the sound of hope and a hint of cheerfulness.

Galley Beggar is helping folk music evolve and Silence and Tears may well be a crucial step in that evolution. It certainly is a very interesting one.



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