Machine Head Guitarist Wacław (Vogg) Kiełtyka is Bringing Supplies to Ukrainie Soldiers

Machine Head Guitarist Wacław (Vogg) Kiełtyka, also of Decapitated, hails from Krakow Poland, right near Ukraine, presently under invasion from Russia. Vogg and friends, along with many of his countrymen are bringing supplies to Ukrainian soldiers and people, who need it right now. Machine Head shared the news with their fans and you can read and see photos Vogg has shared, and also see a payment link if you want to donate money.


Machine Head Guitarist Wacław (Vogg) Kiełtyka took much needed medical supplies to the people and soldiers of Ukraine, 3 hours away from his home in Krakow Poland. Vogg and his friends loaded up a van full of water and medical supplies to deliver in coordination with several local Ukrainian Relief Charities⁠

Almost 500,000 people have fled the war in their country and a humanitarian crisis is unfolding, if you wish to donate to help the people of Ukraine, a PayPal has been set up, and will directly help with the purchase of more supplies for Vogg and his team⁠.



#Repost @sirvogg⁠


We returned to Krakow this morning.⁠

We managed to deliver all the gifts to the Ukrainian side !!⁠

We were also allowed to cross the border several times to deliver the most necessary products collected on the Polish border and reload them on the Ukrainian side.⁠

Help is needed, especially in Ukraine, because people are stuck in traffic jams.⁠

Together with our friends, we want to go to the border again.⁠

Many of you wrote to us with a support offer, so we’ve decided to create a PAYPAL account. We will use the collected funds to buy medicines, hygiene products, and the most necessary things.⁠

I hope you will join us!⁠



Wróciliśmy dzisiaj nad ranem do Krakowa. ⁠

Udało nam się dostarczyć wszystkie dary na stronę ukraińską!! ⁠

Umożliwiono nam również przejechać kilka razy przez granicę aby dostarczyć najpotrzebniejsze produkty zgromadzone na polskiej granicy i przeładować je po stronie ukraińskiej.⁠

Pomoc jest potrzebna, szczególnie na Ukrainie bo tam ludzie stoją w korkach.⁠

Wspólnie ze znajomymi chcemy znów wyruszyć na granicę.⁠

Wielu z Was pisało do nas z ofertą wsparcia, dlatego postanowiliśmy utworzyć konto PAYPAL. Za zebrane środki zakupimy lekarstwa, środki higieniczne i najpotrzebniejsze rzeczy. ⁠

Mam nadzieję, że do nas dołączycie!⁠