Pantera Sets the Record Straight About Status of Vinnie Paul Gravestone

Yesterday Ghost Cult, along with the vast majority of music and metal websites ran with a story after a series of seemingly legit posts on Instagram and Twitter indicated that the gravestone of Vinnie Paul Abbott of Pantera and HELLYEAH had been placed on his plot last week. After many hours, Pantera’s official account on Facebook (see post below) corrected everyone, reporting that the grave marker was finished, photographed and released to the public, but 100% not laid down at the cemetery. Further causing confusion, many Vinnie fans flocked to the cemetery and took to social media to post pictures of Vinnie’s plot, right next to his brother Dimebag Darrell, with no marker on it. Shout out to the Pantera and Vinnie Paul fan community for correcting this and bringing it to the attention of admins. Even though we have rarely printed a retraction in our nearly seven years in operation, Ghost Cult loves and honors the memory and life of Vinnie and feel it is our responsibility to apologize for this lazy reporting by our site and others. We sincerely hope we have not caused any additional undue pain and suffering to fans or his family.